With the eco-friendly movement on the rise, it’s becoming more and more popular to invest in a GEM®. This year, these EVs (electric vehicles) are easier to drive, cost-effective, and even more convenient than ever before. It’s no longer just a question of whether or not you want to save the environment. Now, GEM® vehicles are challenging the auto industry due to their improved performance capabilities and many other advantages. At Richmond Equipment, we’d like to talk about what’s making these 2017 models so superior, so read on and then come talk to us at our dealership in Richmond, Texas when you’re ready to make a GEM® your next vehicle!

Environmental Purposes

As everyone knows, the very first reason you should consider buying a GEM® is because they’re environmentally friendly. Few other vehicles can boast zero emissions and such sustainable technology, as these EVs rely on electric power to generate power. That means no gasoline is being used and no pollution being released into the atmosphere. You’ll never feel so good as you will when in a GEM®, where you’ll be one of many to join the movement for a greener world.

More Affordable

Staying away from the pump doesn’t just save the environment, but it can also save your bank account! These vehicles can be used just about anywhere, whether that be on the road, on a trail, or even indoors. These are all great places where you can cut back on your fuel usage, which will help prevent a lot of unnecessary spending. In fact, most researchers have shown that by using a GEM® EV, you’ll actually cut back on your ownership costs by more than half. That’s not too surprising, considering that the cost of running an electric car for a year averages at about $600 dollars, while you’ll easily spend a couple thousand buying gasoline for a full-sized vehicle. You can save the environment and spend less money in the process? That sounds like a win-win to us.


Along with saving money and helping the planet, you can also enjoy many of the new customizable features that help make a GEM® even more convenient. If you don’t like stopping at a charge station or running out of battery so quickly, you can have some solar panels installed on your EV to increase charging intervals. There are also plenty of additional accessories that make your GEM® feel even more like a full-sized car, such as rear bumpers, removable doors, stereo systems, and windshield wipers.


One more important aspect that sets a GEM® a step above many other vehicles is the versatility. You can pretty much only do one thing with a regular car: drive. But with an EV, you can drive on the road, tow tools and materials, and even transport passengers indoors. Thanks to better maneuverability, increased towing capacity, and improved road safety, a GEM® is perfect for a huge variety of applications, making your purchase that much more meaningful.

Knowing everything that you do now about a GEM® all-electric car, it’s pretty hard to ignore the obvious advantages. They don’t pollute the atmosphere, they’re more affordable than standard passenger vehicles, you can customize them to fit your needs, and they’re a convenient vehicle for a wide range of applications. There’s really nothing to dislike about these efficient cars, so why not come check out our inventory here at Richmond Equipment? We’d love to see you drive out of our dealership in a GEM®, and we’ll gladly help guide you to the model that’s just right for your lifestyle needs. We’re in Richmond, Texas, where we serve the areas of Houston, Beaumont, Victoria, and San Antonio, Texas.