Golf carts nowadays see use everywhere from warehouses to construction sites to campuses and beyond. Buying one used is a great way to ensure you get the compact and convenient vehicle you need at the price you want, but how do you get the right one? We here at Richmond Equipment want to make sure you’re happy with your purchase, so we’ve put together some tips for finding the perfect used golf cart. If you want to know more, or you’d like to browse the used golf carts we have for sale, contact our store in Richmond, Texas, today!

Before You Start

There are a few things you need to know and do before you start shopping in earnest. The first is to familiarize yourself with the terminology for used golf carts. If you find one listed as “used,” all that means is that it’s been bought and has left the dealership. It might be untouched or have years of use. If it’s described as “refurbished,” however, it’s been in use for a significant amount of time. Ask the seller or dealership how they define “refurbished” and how it applies to the cart you’re looking at, specifically.

The Search

Used carts are more likely to have a lot of reviews online. Other consumers are a great source for finding whether a model has any consistent issues, or for getting a good feel for how the cart will fit your driving style and aesthetic. Take online reviews with a grain of salt, but pay attention to strong trends in their ratings.

Once you’ve found the model you want, it’s time to find the right seller. Independent sellers might have great deals, but they have fewer guarantees about the quality of their product. A dealership relies on good reviews and happy customers to ensure continued business, so they’re more likely to give you a cart in the best condition possible. You can also browse a large number of options all at once!


When you find a potential golf cart, evaluate it by:

  • Cart age. Ideally, less than 15 years old. Older might be cheaper, but older carts are more prone to breakdowns and might have parts that aren’t made anymore.
  • Battery age. You want a battery younger than 3 years old, since these are expensive to replace.
  • Usage hours. Gas carts get between 1,000 and 2,500 hours of use before they need maintenance. Electric ones get between 40,000 and 50,000 amp-hours of use before needing an overhaul.
  • Visual appearance. Give it a thorough once-over to see if any issues jump out at you. 

If all that checks out, all that’s left is a test drive to see how you like the cart’s handling. For a wide selection of used golf carts you can test drive, contact us at Richmond Equipment. We proudly serve the people of Houston and Rosenberg, Texas—let us serve you today!