Renting vs Buying a Golf Cart
On the fence about renting or buying your golf cart? We’ve put together some helpful advice for you! However, no matter what you decide to do you can find everything you need—from great rental options to affordable sticker prices—at Richmond Equipment in Richmond, Texas.
When to Rent
A great reason to rent your golf cart rather than buy one is if you’re looking for a very unique customization. If you don’t plan on using this feature often it wouldn’t make sense for you to pay for and install it. Instead, rent out another cart with this gadget for a short amount of time. You’ll find it saves you not only time and effort but money as well!
Rent to Buy
On the fence about buying a model? A great way to check if it’s the right cart for you is to rent it first. A lot of dealerships offer to rent many of the same models they sell (don’t worry, while the rental models have been driven before, the ones on the lot have not.) making it easy to find the exact cart you’re looking for. Now you’ve got as much time as you need to be sure that your cart handles the way you like, and doesn’t come with any inconvenient features or quirks.
When to Buy
Long-Term Use
While this may seem obvious, it’s common that buyers rent a cart a few too many times before realizing it would just be cheaper to buy it. Even if you use the cart somewhat infrequently, if you’re needing it for a long stretch of time it will be cheaper to buy it rather than rent it again and again. And, if you find yourself not needing your cart after a year or two, you could always easily resell it.
We hope this advice has helped make your decision a little easier. If you’re located nearby in Houston or Rosenberg, Texas we hope you’ll visit Richmond Equipment for all of your golf cart or heavy equipment needs! Not only do we offer helpful rental services, but on-site repairs and financing options as well.